Friday, July 4, 2014

Dreams' Hunter!

Dreams' Hunter!

I've faced a lot of negativity through my life; many are related to my career path, Facing those who measure their dreams with money and those who say “you can’t” more than any other phrase!
I've met a lot of people who claimed they know enough about business and enough about life, who have stated that in order to reach your dreams you won’t be younger than 30 years old or 40!
If you yourself meet such people in your life, here below are some simple rules you have to follow if you really, REALLY, want to reach your dreams!

1)      Learn from others mistakes, but never let negativity crash your door!
Have a sneak peak at what others have done in their lives, Try to check what the man or woman who have the position of your dreams have done through their career paths and try not to copy it, But do better than it! LinkedIn is a good spot that you can start doing this, for e.g. if you wish to be a CFO ,Try checking profiles of those who have similar positions and check how they were able to reach it.

2)      When people tell you “Nah, You can’t! Let it be the fuel to make you move forward!”.
People always tend to push others to the ground in order to prevent them reaching what they have failed to reach, so forget about all that, and keep moving forward!

3)      As always “In case you don’t succeed, dust yourself and TRY AGAIN”
Believe me, nothing comes from the first time, learning is not easy! So don’t expect getting things through the easy way, hard ways are the best in adding to your experience!

4)      Keep your eyes on your life!
Have a close monitor at  your life, do not let years pass without any new success, make each year full of achievements , even if they are small ones, But make each year a one step forward to your biggest dream!.

5)      Make financial sacrifices!
We all love to get paid well, But gaining experience is more valuable, so don’t be tempted with a job with a big salary but with no good reference in your CV neither a good add to your experience, because you’ll wake up after couple of years realizing that if you want to change your job you’ll be treated like zero experience man and at that point you’ll worth nothing in the business world!

6)      Challenge?! Thank god, let’s get into the fire!
When you find any opportunity that is really challenging and difficult but will add to your experience and knowledge, don’t hesitate and jump into it! I remember all the times I faced challenges and I suffered of many sleepless nights and unbearable pressure, but when I look at the experience outcome, I thank god that these challenges knocked my door!

7)      Know yourself better than any psychiatrist!
The beginning of any good presentation, is when you know and study the subject in an excellent manner, the same happens with yourself, If you searched within yourself of what makes you special, of what makes any business seek for you, and which job suits you better, You’ll be able to wow!

8)      Believe! But don’t be self conceited!
Believe in yourself, because no one buys from a hesitant seller! People love believers, and find them credible, But they hate snobby people, and find them arrogant and ignorant!

9)      Plan for your life! But don’t do over planning!
A good plan for your life and what you want to achieve is highly crucial, but don’t be obsessed with this! Because we are not sure of what may happen on our next day, so do plan but consider a percentage of delay “I don’t like calling it a failure because any unsuccessful plan is just a delayed plan that will be achieved”, and of course have a contingency plan! As I always say, always have a plan D! Not just B!

10)   Passion is the key!
And finally! My favourite secret recipe! It’s do it with passion or just don’t!
Passionate workers are the best, and are the most successful and guess what they are the least to feel tired and the least to complain! Who would complain of eating a tasty piece of chocolate?! Or buying a gift for his loved ones! Your job is your passion! If it’s not, then you are at the wrong Job sir!

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